WS & I were discussing the various plots of dramas & we realised that no one has ever made a show that focuses on the accounting profession. ( disclaimer:if there is, we haven't watched it) i mean, u have medical shows (eg: healing hands 1,2,3), legal shows (eg: survivor's law 1,2), police shows (detective investigation files 1,2,3,4), forensic science shows( forensic heroes, untraceable evidence 1,2) & teacher shows ( shine on you). absolutely NONE abt accountancy or accountants at all! i guess they can't find any interesting aspect of the profession to come up with a show abt it.
well, i guess an accountancy focused show would go something like that....
ep1: main male lead gets tasked to audit a company all the way in __________( insert: any ulu place u can think of) & is dreading it.
ep2: main male lead heads over to the company with his audit team & starts to audit the FS for the year. however, horror of horrors, the staff there are extremely uncooperative, refusing to hand over the supporting documents! to make matters worse, they can't get a cab out as no cab driver's willing to drive to such an ulu place!!
ep3: highlight of the day was being able to balance all the figures after a long & arduous week. they decide to celebrate @ Harry's.
ep4: boss tells them that something was wrong with the software, thus all their work will have to be redone AGAIN. groans @ the thought of seeing all those substantive tests all over again.
yeah... and the list can continue. but not a very interesting plot isit? compared to fighting cases in court, chasing the baddies down the street as well as teaching naughty kids who don't want to be taught. haha.
if they ever do make a accountancy show, i wonder how would the public respond to it....