i think no one reads my blog anymore. haha. just cos they dun even understand what i'm typing abt. maybe, with the exception of pam soh.
anw, internship ends on friday!!!!! i can smell the sweet scent of FREEDOM already! no more waking up at 7( ok, 730), no more 6pm days, no more excel, no more financial statements(yes!!!). ho ho ho. i think i'll plonk myself at the airport for a few days next week to rush out my PA report so tt i can enjoy the remaining 2 weeks before sch starts. :D Popeye's, here i come. maybe i'll ask tammy if she wants to go too. then we can try to crap out rubbish & share ideas. hehe. waishan's already finished hers and is in HK now. the lucky girl...
korean level 5 is starting in mid aug.. pretty fast. i shd revise my korean after internship's over.. been watching Beautiful Days (shd finish tonight) and it's v nice. i'm proud that i can understand like 50% of it. classes do help. i realised that the word 'sarang' is like so predominant in the show. in fact, i think its the most said word. i wonder who's gonna continue with level 5. my whole table is, that's for sure. but i think quite a number will be dropping. the class was quite small last week. i think that time + effort is needed to master a language well. in addition, having loads of interest helps greatly too. i need to revise my grammar. i dun think it's that fantastic.. bleah. shd be getting back the test tomorrow too. i wonder how i did. i didn't even manage to finish the paper. too little time. and... i need to do my h/w too.. urgh. almost forgot abt it. 7th lesson of level 4 tomorrow!! fast! and it's time to part with my $420 for level 5 tomorrow.... 싫어!!
it's another 40 mins to lunch & i can't wait! we're gonna head to Changi Village for beef noodles later. yippee yippee. :D
i still have 1 more epi of Air City to watch. shd i or shd i not? hm hm hm.
Cam: watch Beautiful Days!! it's really really nice! :D