currently having a break in btw lessons, so decided to hop down to the NBS free access lab to surf the net with Yvonne. jeez.. the keyboard seems really dusty even though i bet lots of ppl use it everyday. not only that, there seems to be a lack of air conditioning in the lab! *fans myself*
sch's getting more and more hectic with each passing week. even though the national holiday is just over, i can't wait for the next one to come! One thing abt uni is this, u really have got to be INDEPENDENT! :( it's already the 3rd week of sch. if i'm not wrong, lessons will stop in the 13th week. after that, it's revision & exams! come to think of it, my uni life shd fly by quite quickly. dunno if that's a gd or bad thing.
my apple laptop hasn't arrived yet! it's already more than 5 days overdue! for every day that it's overdue, they have to pay me 0.1& of the total laptop price. That's what they call "Liquidated Damages". so 8 Flags, if u dun want to pay me more, give me my laptop ASAP!!! ;)
i'm staying in sch till 6.30pm today.. all because of my OB lecture. i'm trying to while away the 2 hrs that i've to wait in the lab. hm... maybe i shall go on MSN to see if i can find anyone to talk to. getting kinda bored already. in fact, this whole post seems like i'm ranting to myself.